Tag: mental health

A New Normal

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt deeply faint at heart. To be truthfully honest, I’ve been heavy in spirit during this time of quarantine. It’s my REALBOLDTRUTH.

But Chanel, you’re so strong, such an encourager, a survivor of so much, and one others look to for inspiration.

I’m sorry to disappoint those who have uttered those words about me, but this time I’ve been shook.

Prior to the “Shut In” I was on a fast for 15 days. I needed to seek God’s face for a very specific challenge in my life. I needed to make sure I wasn’t making permanent decisions based off of temporary and fleeting feelings. I needed to hear confirmation from My Savior.

Well, He gave it to me and confirmed that He releases me to let go of the thing that ails my heart the most. “You’ve done all you can, what remains is in my hands.” Said the Spirit of the Lord.

Upon those words, I broke my fast knowing with great confidence that my next steps would be approved by Him. Then the Pandemic hit putting constraints around every aspect of my life which would not allow me to move.

Instantly, I felt stuck, smothered, constrained, disappointed and without options. Honestly, I began to question what I believe I heard while denying my flesh of food and drink. Did He truly speak to me? If He did, He’s beyond silent right now! I could surly use some specific assurance in this one area of my life that grieves me tremendously.

Although weak in faith, I remember His word that it’s during these times that He is my strength. A very present help in times of trouble.

Move fluidly in this “Temporary” New Normal by way of His Spirit. These are the words I’ve encouraged myself to do. There really is no other choice that will produce a victorious outcome.

He spoke to me indeed but this cross I must carry for a little while longer as my God prepares my ultimate outcome.

I trust Him. I love Him, I want to be used by Him and most importantly, I need Him!

Things will never truly go back to the way they use to be. For the state this world is in has never seen a time like this.

For every believing heart that has been wrestling with the things you see, feel and experience, draw closer to the one that has this all in His hands. This “New Normal” indeed is working for our good. Just wait and see:-)

The Mentality Makeover I

Hello RBT Readers!

I pray this post finds you well, highly favored and blessed in all your ways!

Just wanted to take a moment to bring you some exciting news!

REALBOLDTRUTH has expanded its brand! We have launched RBT Institute powered by teachable.com. It will be a series of Master Classes that participants can engage in at their own pace! It’s like virtual Life Coaching with like minded people!

The first class is entitled “The Mentality Makeover”. This course is for those who are struggling with consistency in their way of thinking in order to have a more fruitful, productive and purpose filled life.

The course will assist students with developing new mental wellness habits to get free and stay free! Topics addressed include fear, worry, anxiety, addictive behavior patterns, depression and grief.

Many suffer from these mindsets around the holidays especially. This course aims to partner with participants in these challenging areas in order for them to move forward!

Classes start October 15, 2019! There is a free preview to the course available now! Click on the link below and take 10-15 minutes to consider the content:-)


Also, we have a newly designed website! Visit us to stay connected about news, services and upcoming events.


Finally, I’ve received my license as a Certified Life Coach through the National Association of Certified Life Coaches! (ID # 12107811) All successful people partner with mentors and coaches. That’s REALBOLDTRUTH! If you want yo accomplish a thing bigger than yourself you will need collaboration. How may I be of service to you? Schedule your complimentary 15 minute consultation by clicking the link below!


That’s all for now! Until next time, Stay Real, Be Bold and Tell the Truth in Jesus Name!!

Soulful Sunday – Who Told You That??

Coming To America is one of my all time favorite comedies. To this day I can watch it over and over again like I’ve never seen it before. This movie is 30 years old! Debuting June 29, 1988 featuring Eddie Murphy in the role that truly put him on the map as a comedian like no other. I’ve seen it countless times and can quote many lines verbatim (Unapologetically!) it’s simply hilarious!

My teenage son was flipping through channels recently looking for something to watch and landed on a showing of the movie. I had not seen it in years but of course stopped in my tracks at the sound of the all too familiar script.

There was one line that stuck out as I was watching for the gazillionth time. It had an affect on me that I never considered before!


For those who know the movie, this line was uttered by King Jaffe Joffer when Mr. McDowell’s youngest daughter proclaimed that the “Prince” was in love with her and not her sister.

With shock at this untruth, the King belted out the question with such deep command, force, authority and rule!

My spirit was instantly quickened that this is the exact question my Heavenly Father asks of me when I meditate on lies from the enemy. He only does it with 100x the power of King Jaffee!

Who told you that you can’t do it?

Who told you you’re not going to make it?

Who told you that you’re a mistake?

Who told you you’re not good enough?

Who told you that you’re a failure?

Who told you you’ll always be sick?

Who told you that you’ll always be broke?

Who told you that you’re not worthy?

WHO TOLD YOU THAT thing that makes you feel inadequate????

Like Adam in the garden when he sinned, eating from the forbidden tree of life, when God came looking for him, Adam responded that he hid himself because he was naked.

God instantly responded “Who Told You that you were naked?”

No one but the enemy in the form of a cowardly snake!

When we hear words from others or those in our own minds that don’t line up with what God has to say about us, we must consider the question, WHO TOLD YOU THAT?”

If it wasn’t God, we must dismiss the allegations and accept truth in who we were called to be even when it doesn’t look like it.

You are a child of God

A Royal Priesthood

Hand picked and Chosen

Have an inheritance from your Father

Have many gifts

Are valuable and Precious

And so much more!

Believe it and conduct yourself as the Prince and Queen that you really are! Now, WHO told you that! Carry on!

Until Next Time, Happy Sunday!

Soulful Sunday – Try Me! (Saith The Lord)

Some people muddle through life in great confusion. Most don’t even know it. Unfortunately, this produces inconsistencies, denial, ill choices, negative outcomes, mental instability and delayed blessings.

When we try living separate and apart from God convincing ourselves that we have control over our circumstances, we rob ourselves and those connected to us from a multitude of favor.

Since God does not affect our “Free Will” and allows us to choose our own way, He patiently awaits for us to go through enough in hopes that ultimately we will Surender to Him!

“Try Me!” Sayeth The Lord

When you can’t figure it out.

When you loose control over your lifestyle.

When you can’t find your way.

When you are down to your last.

When those who were once there suddenly are no longer.

When you are left all alone.

When sickness invades your body.

When poverty threatens your household.

When……(Well, you fill in the blank)

There is nothing in this world more consistent than what God can reveal, promise and deliver.

When you reach that point in your life where no answers can be provided, nothing makes sense and people fail you miserably, ask the Lord what you should do. Listen and His response will most likely be, “Are You Done? Now Try Me!”

Until Next Time, Happy Sunday!

Depression – A Matter of a Malnourished Soul….

As human beings, we will all face times in our lives that will bring on periods of great sadness. This is inevitable and unfortunately will occur at some point to us all. If we lose our jobs, businesses, relationships, financial stability, get diagnosed with a life changing illness, or a love one dies, it is normal to grieve these matters at least for a time.

When that time turns from days into weeks, to months, to years and we find ourselves paralyzed with the inability to move forward, we have then entered into life threatening territory. A healthy desire for an optimistic future becomes unrealistic to the blatantly distracted mind. Depression has then taken center-stage and has gripped the core of our very souls.

Nothing feels good nor looks good and we reach for temporary things to ease our broken spirits. They too prove to be just that….Temporary.

Truth is, Depression for many, is a matter of a grossly malnourished soul. We are made up of three distinct parts and each must be fed in order to thrive and survive.

We feed our physical bodies food at least three times per day at best. Whether our choices in this regard are good or bad, we do this daily without hesitation.

We feed our minds information by way of education, news outlets and social media. Again whether, the content we consume mentally is beneficial or not, we subconsciously practice this act regularly throughout our days.

But what about our souls? What condition is it in and do we aim to purposely feed it just as routinely as our other two makeups?

If you are a chronic sufferer of depression, do not have a chemical imbalance and therapy of any kind has not provided you with relief, your soul is starving and requires bread, DAILY.

That means setting time aside to feast on elements that only God can provide that will encourage spiritual wholeness. Many deem this as optional, too much work or have tried it a time or two and then abandon the process. Thus, most likely the reason depression reoccurs like the vicious destructive cycle that it is.

You have the power to make a choice today towards reducing you depression episodes. Take permanent steps towards embracing mental wellness regularly if you would just commit to feeding your soul.

Knowing Your Worth

Being a survivor of more than two decades of chronic depression, I vividly recall struggling with knowing my worth.

During those extremely dark years, my self esteem was low; more like non-existent! I had such a warped perception of myself and didn’t see value in who I was as a person, woman and even a Child of God. During my stent with daily depressive mood swings, I professed to be a Christian the entire time but was not experiencing the victory over my mind which was rightfully mine!

As a result, many around me failed to value me as well. Why should they? If I didn’t value myself there was no way I could demand that anyone else do the same. I allowed myself to be taken advantage of, disrespected, overlooked, passed by and so much more. I wasted so many priceless years looking to be validated by those who never deserved me in the first place.

Fast forward to today, my stance and how I view myself is the healthiest it’s ever been! I know who I am and who I belong to! My Heavenly Father is a King so that makes me a princess! I expected to be treated as such!

In my marriage

By my friends

By my children

In my Career/On my job

In my community

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not looking for people to bow down to me like the Queen of England. That’s not what I mean by any definition!

It just means that I demand to be respected, heard, valued and treated as a rational human being. That’s what knowing your “Worth” will do! It will give you the power and strength to stop others from harming you with their words, deeds and actions.

We are all worthy of this in every facet of our lives and should never allow another to treat us any less than the precious Children of God that we are!

Nuff said; That is all!

Photo/Set Backdrop Designed by Kay Lynn of Diamond In The Ruff Event Planning

RealBoldTruth Visual Show – Mental Health Awareness – May 2018



Hello RBT Readers!  It is always my thoughts and prayers that each and everyone of you remain encouraged, hopeful, strengthened and empowered regardless of what may be going on around you! Remaining optimistic during long stents of uncertainty can sometimes be half of life’s battle. But there is good news! The battle is not ours but God’s!


Mental Health awareness month kicked off strong for The RealBoldTruth visual show.  I thought I would share the replay of that program here on the blog.  Please do view, comment and even share with those you may know struggling with Mental Health disorders (Mainly Depression)  This could be the very thing for them that could begin to change their life!


Blessings in all you do!


RBT Show – Mental Health Awareness – 5/7/2018




May 2018 – Mental Health Awareness Month

As a overcomer of more than 30 years of depression, the topic of mental illness is especially close to my heart.

I have grown extremely passionate about sharing my story, struggles and strategies on how I’ve been set free from daily mental torment. Those years were very dark, oppressive and crippling times that I often thought I would never break free from.

Many also suffering in silence need to know they are not alone and should not be embarrassed to disclose the condition. Breaking free from the stigma is essential! There is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact acknowledgement is the first step towards healing.

Over 21 million adults in the US and more than 300 million around the world struggle with mental health disorders. Those number are a clear fact that each and every one of us knows a sufferer or may be one ourselves.

There truly is hope and a way to break free; for good! The process is not defined the same for us all. Some may need the support of therapeutic prescriptions. I have tried that as well but to no avail. For me, there was no management or healing in the form of a pill or structured secular counseling. Both seemed to help initially but not long term. More holistic, spiritual, and practical daily applications have been the key to my deliverance.

That process I unapologetically share with those who have tried traditional methods and have not experienced relief. That way is heavily accredited to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The rest was up to me in applying His word, His will, His way.

Over the past 3 years I have written and openly shared my conquest towards healing. During the Month of May 2018, I will be re-sharing those testimonies in visual format on The RealBoldTruth show as well as other inspirations as given to my spirit.

I do hope that you will consider, share, and follow as a way of considering something new or revisiting the powerful healing properties that lie in the Savior.

We will talk about:



Mental torment


It’s important to clearly Understand how faith & spiritual warfare play a major role in freedom.

I do hope you’ll join me and I look forward to your comments and feedback.


The Remnants of Rejection

They still linger wooing you back into the deepest pit of despair to have teetering intimacy that tortures and paralyzed your soul.

After revelation, acknowledgement, spirit searching and confessing deliverance, sometimes the emotion of rejection still lingers.

During times of great inconvenience

Feelings of inadequacy

Struggling to find common place in familiar spaces.

Emotional walls you use as shields to barricade your over sensitive mind and still fragile heart. All serve as an avoidance mechanism to prevent the excruciating pain of human dismissal.

You know that:

You matter!

You have something to say!

Great things to offer.

Were Put here for beneficial reasons.

Have a great deal to offer…

But yet the remnants of rejection haunts periodically from:

That boss who overlooks you constantly.

That spouse who once adored you is now taking your presence for granted.

That father who only donated to your existence but walked away from taking part in your development.

That mother who only carries the title but failed miserably to prepare you for life in action, deed and guidance.

That circle of people you’ve tried to fit in with but struggle to consistently feel a sense of acceptance.

That child that now discounts your sacrifices down to mere mediocre obligations.

That organization, network group or ministry that fails to recognize your value by not allowing fresh perspectives to advance the agenda.

It is all evident and really truly hurts.

You live on with deep suppression of it all. Some days not entertaining rejection works but other days it burst on the scene of your feelings like a tidal wave leaving you drowning in great emotional despair.

But God who has delivered often reminds you to stay focused and forge ahead not giving into to the temptations of the accusatory voice. For that is truly what rejection is. A self destructive tactic of the enemy to cease what must manifest in your life.

He (Satan), also knows your value and how powerful you would be if only you find the courage to shut him down completely and permanently!

The facts of how you came to be, who suffered a loss due to not accepting you as a blessing, or who felt it robbery to contribute to your maturity are all significant components directly tied to your life’s purpose.

Be not deceived that your current experience defines your end result. God, in Christ Jesus is more than willing to heal your heart from rejection and beyond. Trust the process by looking to Him and Him alone. Through the Savior, we are never thrown away, never discounted and never left alone.

Soulful Sunday – Wailing In My Wait

There are times when I am not extremely thrilled with God’s timing towards matters in my life. I feel like I’ve been waiting an exceptionally long time for supernatural words to manifest into the natural.

In fact, just this week I had been rather silent in my prayer life; annoyed more so at myself because of how redundant my prayers have been sounding. I was also trying to avoid complaining and speaking the wrong emotional words out into the atmosphere.

I made a choice to be mute until I could adjust my attitude but still walked in the spirit of discontentment.

Fast forward a few days later, I finally opened my mouth to talk with my Savior but I found myself wailing. I released how I was feeling with an ocean of tears, repented for not talking and entertaining the voice of the accuser then gave thanks in praise for hope I still have in His promises.

In life we sometimes will get discouraged as we call out to God for certain situations to change. This is especially true of those that we have been waiting to adjust for a lengthy period of time. Waiting can be exceptionally hard at times and a sense of desperation rises up which can cause our flesh to wail.

God knows and sees it all but truly has things already worked out for our good. We can confirm the same is true by considering if what we seek Him for lines up with His Word and how he delivered us from the last situation we wailed over.

Trying times and challenges we will have always but our God is truly faithful to see us through our circumstances. He’s never failing!

Wailing in our waiting times can be necessary in order to push through with a praise. So release your negative thoughts and energy today in your personal time with God. Then let Him know how grateful you are, how much you still Trust Him and how much you still love Him.

He shall wipe away all of our tears and still has plans for our lives that will certainly come to pass after our wail and our wait.

Until next Time,

Happy Sunday!