Tag: #marriage

RBT Show – Senseless Small Stuff

Hi RBT Readers!

Blessings to you all! I want to take a moment to thank all who have subscribed to this blog and have cheered me along my writing journey. I don’t say it enough being over consumed in business, but I thank and appreciate you from the bottom of my heart!

The RBT blog has progressed from a written platform to a audio show and now a visual talk show on The Heart Ministry Radio platform! What a journey! I’ve learned quickly that’s it’s easier to hide behind my computer or microphone than to assume the pressures of clothes, make up and hair on the set every week! Boy oh boy, what a journey!

My last show that aired this past Monday is entitled “Senseless Small Stuff! Based on the blog I wrote a couple of years ago where I share a personal RBT of mine about my snoring husband! Funny in the grand scheme but truly a Small Matter.

Here’s the link to the show’s replay. Enjoy viewing and remember, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff!

RBT Show – Senseless Small Stuff

Somebody, HELP ME!!!!!!

Being an accountable woman of excellence is extremely difficult at times. The daily demands expected of those she is responsible for can sometimes take an adverse toll mentally, physically and spiritually. This is even more true as she begins to age.

I ended 2016 weary and drained in every way. I’m a full time employee, mother, wife, aspiring author and a servant in multiple ministries. Like many women, my schedule is completely full and I rarely take time to slow down to pay attention to my own needs. 

One evening after a frustrating day of work, I came home with a million things to do. My son needed homework completed, dinner needed to be prepared and so much more. I stopped to pick up groceries and when I walked in the kitchen it was filthy from dinner the night before. My husband was where I typically find him, lounging by the television with his feet up and remote control nearby. My son was now hounding me for a snack and I hadn’t even taken my coat off or set the groceries down!

As you can imagine, my internal instincts were near explosive for I had not been getting enough sleep. My son suffers from chronic eczema and often wakes in the middle of the night. Sometimes up to 2-3 times. My husband has also developed a snore over the past two years that I find extremely hard to sleep through. 

As I gave into my son’s demands for a treat, I began to clean the kitchen. Slamming dishes in the washer and aggressively wiping down counter surfaces. All the while having many thoughts of regret in all the titles that I have. I was feeling like a slave and it seemed that my family was completely blind that I was struggling with my stamina. Not to mention, I already battle daily to fight away the fatigue symptoms that naturally come along with Multiple Sclerosis. I hated everyone for not being concerned about my well being. I had no idea how much longer I could go on doing nearly 15 hours of work off of 4-5 hours of broken sleep every night for months! I felt like I was dying!

As my husband walked into the kitchen making light conversation, he felt the tension I was giving off. When he asked what was wrong, I flew off the handle! Yelling, screaming and ending my rant with these words, “HELP ME!!!!”

He was of course offended with my approach and brushed my tirade off as if it meant nothing and I was just being a typical nagging woman. My short fuse disturbed our son and I just wanted so badly to pack up and run away!

As I dragged my weary body out of bed the next morning, while my family was still sleeping, I went downstairs to pray. I don’t remember weeping that hard in a long time. I cried out to the Lord about all the demands on my life, my lack of strength, not having a solid or dependable support system, and my concerns for my declining health. God, Please HELP ME!! Just like with my husband, these words were the closing ask in my ranted prayer.

Not long thereafter, the spirit of wisdom took the place of my many ill feelings. God began to show me practical areas that I needed to make a priority in order to stay well. First was my diet. I felt run down due to not giving my temple the necessary nutrients that it requires. I changed that quick with juicing! Within a few weeks, my energy has been through the roof! 

I sought wholistic treatments for my son’s condition. I stumbled across the National Eczema Association that had a list of approved products that I had not tried and his doctors had not recommended. Within weeks of using a natural combination, his skin is near 100% healed! He’s been sleeping through the night for the first time in nearly a year!

My husband suggested that we exercise together. We’re taking a weekly spin class and it’s both challenging and really fun! The necessary movement is burning calories, reducing inflammation and relieving a great deal of stress. The time has also ministered to our marriage as we commit to putting nothing before this bonding time together.

He’s sharing a little bit more in household duties and we started off the New Year with a 31 day prayer, one for the other. God has shown Himself faithful in it all! (Still praying for the snoring deliverance though!)

When you feel like you are at a breaking point, stop to recognize the attack is coming from the adversary and ask your Heavenly Father for help. He is the only one who can provide the relief that we need in order to set our crooked, beaten and worn paths completely straight.

STFWO – Divorce & Remarriage

Hi Realboldtruth Readers! Happy Monday to you all!!

This month on Straight Talk for Women Only, Judy, Mary and I spoke candidly on the topic of divorce and remarriage. We aimed to dispel myths and shared personal testimonies of failure and triumph with our viewing audience.

STFWO is an internet talk show that airs the 1st Thursday of every month at 6:00pm EST. To view upcoming shows and archives, visit http://www.stfwo.com.

The program is hosted by Victory Christian Fellowship located at 100 Wilton Blvd, New Castle DE. Please visit the church’s website at http://www.victoryexperience.com for more information.


Sins of a Female Saint – Part II

This post concludes my testimony of my darkest secret; my deepest pain. Click here for Part I 
I didn’t think I deserved it. After what I did the first time around certainly I will never be worthy again. 

As a believer, I failed miserably! Not keeping promises I made to myself, my 1st spouse and most of all to God. I’ll live the rest of my days and find a way to accept the errors of my ways, conceal my deepest secret and try to get back to being a good Christian; someway and somehow….

But as days turned into weeks, months into years, I battled with chronic depression and insurmountable soul crushing guilt. Like Adam and Eve in the garden after their disobedience, so did I try to hide from God.

Yes I came back to Him and repented for how I contributed to the breakdown in my 1st marriage, but there was so much more spiritually to deal with and I didn’t know how to start. So instead, I suppressed and buried that stinkin thing alive still screaming to breath and heal under mounds of emotional debris. That’s where it shall remain and no one will ever know how much I hurt. It will have to die eventually….

But 8 years later, it’s still screaming. In fact, sounds louder than ever before. Im now scrambling for more creative ways to stifle the noise. But the difficulty is even more complex. I initiated the divorce for matters were truly irreconcilable. Thereafter, my love, affection and adoration for the one I fell for has gotten deeper and now I carry his child. After 22 years of being barren, I conceived with the man I committed adultery with.

I know him more intimately than I ever knew my ex-husband. The good, the bad and the very ugly! We didn’t come into each other’s lives unscathed of life’s scars. We both were extremely broken as individuals; struggling both mentally and spiritually. Yet we clung to one another in the best friendship I have ever experienced. Our souls over the years are bonded and completely tied together. 

After a year of staying away from my love, he returned and asked for my hand. How dare I try this again and try to make it holy especially considering the way we started….

The attraction is just as magnetic as day one nearly 9 years prior. The adoration so much deeper and a beautiful child born between us. How could this natural messy situation ever be made right?

This feels hypocritical beyond description! Would God bless us, can I really be happy, and what consequences will we face individually and collectively? 

Despite all these natural questions, we stepped out on faith after 10 months of Godly counsel and married. 

Two years later, it has not been without challenges. On top of the normal circumstances that most married couples face, without spoken words we still look at each other and silently wonder, “Will you do the same to me?”

Despite our flaws, we hold on to our family, our faith and our God who healed what we thought was unhealable.

We are both being set free and elevating in ministry. Turning what the enemy intended for evil into good. I’ve grown so much spiritually. More concrete in faith, knowledge and the power of God than I ever was a decade ago. The test and trial was excessively painful and I lost a lot. But he restoreth my soul and Great is thy faithfulness!!

Finally I can breath! Without guilt, condemnation and shame. My fervent prayer is that someone facing similar circumstances be encouraged by my journey and make some healthy decisions. My Realboldtruth is indeed my testimony!

Sins of a Female Saint – Part 1 

The attraction was overwhelmingly intense. Like the power of 10 industrial size magnets I was being drawn in and could not stop it. In fact, after a time I didn’t want to stop it. I pursued and hunted after a single meeting and conversation that ignited something deep in me that apparently had died. Suddenly I felt alive and I wanted; no I needed more.

His smile, his features, his laugh, his smell were so completely intoxicating! His sense of humor was very similar to mine. We had so much in common and talked for hours…if and when we could. I had not been attracted to anyone this strongly and at this level in well over a decade and had forgotten what the experience felt like. My cheeks burned from blushing every-time I heard his voice. He would leave messages for me overnight on my work voice machine. I looked forward to them the instant they began. I found myself anxious to get up in the morning. Couldn’t wait to see if he was thinking of me overnight like I thought of him. He never disappointed. I listened to his messages frequently throughout the day.
I couldn’t sleep at night. Visions of him would not stop. I fantasizes during times that I knew I shouldn’t; when I should be working , studying, while in church and even while lying in bed next to my husband of nearly 10 years…

My marriage was severely broken. I was just 23 when I wedded, a babe in Christ and was told by the church mothers that we must stop living in sin. A little less than a year after meeting, we exchanged vows. It was not long afterwards that I began to discover that I didn’t take enough time to get to know him, to know myself and what God expected of me vs. the religious practices of man. Still I held on unsure, growing increasingly unhappy because I didn’t want to disappoint. I made God a promise and I was going to keep it by any means necessary. I prayed hard, long, and often. I got counseling too; still I faltered. 

The attraction came along at the most vulnerable time. Love, respect, intimacy, connection, and the will to keep trying in my marriage was dying for me. I was outgrowing my mate mentally and spiritually and the reality of it all was very painful. I was not keeping the facade together outwardly because a few that were close could clearly see the stark imbalance between us two. This new love interest reminded me often that I could still have those things I longed for again. 

For months, he became the only bright spot in my life for all hell began to break loose in my world. I was losing it all simultaneously. My health, my relationships, my home, my finances, my sanity, my way….. I ran to him for shelter, friendship then ultimately mental and physical comfort…..
This is my deepest, darkest and most painful confession. I once was a Christian Female Adulteress.

Even as I re-read the words above, nearly 10 years after these series of events,  it still doesn’t sound like me. My character, my beliefs, my position; I compromised them all with a single decision and I payed a deep price for it all. That price was the inability to move forward for an extended period of time. I believed that everything adverse that was happening to me was the result of what I did. Certainly I deserved it because I dishonor my vows. I drowned In thinking I didn’t deserve and I couldn’t forgive myself. I didn’t even know I needed to until just 2 years ago. 

Five years ago I conceived my first and only biological child. This happened out of wedlock and during a time when I walked away from God. I was extremely unhealthy spiritually and carried around a tremendous amount of pain, anger and guilt. I finally came to my senses for the sake of my child. Oh Lord I need thee!

I went for counseling with my son’s father upon his request. I only expected family therapy to learn how to co-parent with him. It’s all I wanted and nothing more. We were crazy about each other but with both of us being divorcees we never fully gave our relationship a chance. At the time,we had been apart as a couple for nearly a year. The Pastors who were assigned to help us clearly saw we were madly in love and they needed to seperate us to get to the bottom of our individual issues. 

So much came out in those sessions and I learned I needed to forgive myself for how I left my first marriage. When I finally released, it was such a heavy burden ejected from my soul. How I wish I would have done that earlier and saved myself 8 years of unnecessary mental anguish! Those family counseling sessions ultimately turned into pre-marital counseling. We married October 10, 2014. 

For me, this is the most intimate and embarrassing thing I have ever revealed. I know that I need to share for there are other women who suffer silently. Although men are more likely than women to commit adultery making this topic for them an accepted norm, women fail to be honest about the matter due to the harsh criticism we more than likely will subject ourselves to.

I personally am over how people may respond. I’ve beat myself up worse than any human ever could and sentenced myself to an 8 year term of absolute mental torture. Nothing hurts worse than that. Today I am completely set free and reconciled the most important relationship in my life; my bond with my Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer, Christ Jesus.

By-the-way, If you are wondering what ever happened to the man I fell for .. Well, he is the one I married. This is my RealBoldTruth! 

3 Reasons to Date Your Husband

Ladies, take your man out on a date!

Now before you go frowning up at the suggestion, PLEASE note that these recommendations are for Wives only. Not girlfriends, live in chicks, fiancés or any other status not yet bound by legal matrimony!

I would never recommend a woman doing what a man should rightfully be doing for you! He should understand your value, worth and consider working on making you his “Good Thing”! (Proverbs 18:22) The courting process should never be an option!

Ok, now that I got that out the way, back to the Wives….
Before you comment to my blog with that “What you talkin bout Willis” tone, let me explain…..


My husband and I have been together for nearly a decade.  I can count on one hand how many “Just Because” dates we went out on that were actually initiated by him over the course of that time.  Suddenly I’m majorly frustrated.  Dropping hints about who is coming to town in concert was not working.  Suggestions in “By the way” conversations about a play I would like to see would go over the top.  Sending text messages and e-mails during work hours of event mailing lists I subscribed to were hitting a brick wall as well.  I concluded that he just wasn’t getting it and probably never will!


Last year after communicating my displeasure to him in a not so nice way I must add, I learned that he had frustrations of his own in this same area that I simply never considered. He kept it to himself and my approach pulled it out of him.  The way it happened was not my intentions by far but I am glad it happened.  I was left needing to repent fast! (Wives our mouths can get us in trouble big time!) THAT’S REAL TALK!

After that “minor meltdown” I took matters into my own hands.  I just started dating him and we are having a complete blast!

Wives Consider this if you are facing these same frustrations with your husband:



1. Relieve you unrealistic expectations that he should be Casanova all the time.

 Men don’t think like us and can easily fall into routine and get tunnel vision. They may take care of Birthdays, Anniversaries, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas but many stop there and feel their duties are fulfilled.  You may have to pick up the pieces in order to keep your relationship fun and fresh!


2. Get what you want, when you want, every time!

Don’t you hate it when someone does something for you that you really don’t like.  Having to grin and bear it so that you won’t hurt their feelings and down play their efforts can be painful.  If you take charge of the date nights you get to choose and get what you want!  Movies, concerts, plays, bowling, museums, couples night, stay in or go out.  Its all up to you!

3. The Sky’s the limits – you set the frequency and have control! Weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.

I have been dating my husband now on a regular for the past 6 months.  I try to implement a mandatory date night at least monthly.  I tell him what we are doing, where we are going, who we will be with; date and time.  He entertains me by going along with the plans and finds himself pleasantly surprised by how much fun we have together! It really has been awesome!  By the way,  I think I secretly get a serious thrill out of the control aspect of this thing and telling him what to do!  It’s about the only time I can get him into the “Yes Dear” mode!  LOL! (Sorry Honey!) HAPPY WIFE/HAPPY LIFE!


These times are just about us!  It’s an investment in the health of our marriage and reminder that fun does not end at the alter.  We are creating memories and breaking up the mundane routine of life by making fun a requirement! It does a world of good to forget about problems, bills, the kids, work and any other pressures for a few hours and reconnect as a couple on a regular basis.



So wives, if I have not convinced you already, consider this; the Bible says that we are ONE with our husbands (Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:8). Since that is the case, does it really matter who coordinates Date Night?  We should be treating each other the way we would want to be treated.  I think this is a no-brainer situation, at least it was for me.  What do you REALLY have to lose? Who knows, he may enjoy you dating him so much that he will himself learn the process. If he doesn’t, don’t get upset just enjoy what you have especially if you know you’re not trading him in anyway!

Now cross this topic off the “we need counseling” list and concentrate on the other 199 we need to work on in our marriages! Make this one less thing!