Putting on Game Face!

Nearly 8 years ago I was working a part time job as a Health Claims Instructor. I had 18 students in my class and they were more of my life than I initially revealed.

I was going through straight hell and they were the ONLY bright spot in my life at that time. They gave me reason to keep going when I truly wanted to simply lay down and die. I was going through a difficult divorce, got terrible news from the doctor about a chronic medical illness, I lost my house, my finances were in complete shambles, nearly every friend I had at the time walked away and my church family did not provide the support I thought should have been automatic. Depression was deep and I had no reason to want to live less my girls!

As expected, during tough times throughout the program, some would show signs of growing weary by the challenge of working by day, going to school by night and all of life’s demands in between. To add insult to the already injured, The curriculum at this vocational career school was also far from stellar! We all began to discover this fact together mid way throughout our studies. They were beyond offended and I for them as well! Never-the-less, I vowed to stay committed until the end and give them all the knowledge I had obtained in the industry over the years for optimum success.

At times they didn’t understand and I couldn’t let them see that I was silently screaming their same sentiments as I found myself counseling them one-on-one. I couldn’t let them know I was dying inside and commissioned myself to stay strong for their benefit. I lost one or two through out that journey, but those that stayed the course I offered a consistent perspective.

Put on your “Game Face!” I would often encourage. Meaning life is indeed difficult and certainly won’t be easy as you attempt to make positive changes. Even when you are given a raw deal that can’t be changed or you can’t get out of, you must exercise “The Game Face” mentality.  

It’s not always appropriate to wear your emotions on your sleeves all the time or show those around you that you are going through. It’s necessary sometimes in life to endure publicly with the best of attitudes even if that means breaking down to release how you really feel privately just for a time. This builds character, strength, and resilience which are essential characteristic traits valuable in both the corporate world and beyond. 

For Christians, “Game Face” also means it’s time to fight! No I don’t like the circumstances and even question my abilities and the outcome, but no devil is going to knock me out this race!! I’m going to be victorious despite of what it looks like! I’ll position myself and act like a winner even before the victory naturally manifests! 

As it relates to my students, I sustained my personal “Game Face” my entire time with them. It wasn’t until their last official day of class that I opened up about why I stressed operating in the principle. My transparency shocked them for they never knew I was sacrificing how I really felt for their success. As we literally cried together and said our goodbyes on graduation day, I knew these women made an everlasting impact on my life that I will never forget. Even as I penn these words tears fill my eyes. As I was helping them, they were indeed sustaining me!

Me and a few of my precious graduates!

Have you ever had to put on “Game Face” as you endured a complicated life matter?

How did you make it through that period?

Did God show you the lesson that had to be learned during that time?

Maybe you are going through something now and need to put on “Game Face”. It may indeed be difficult but there is victory at the end of the challenge if you don’t give up.

19 thoughts on “Putting on Game Face!”

  1. Hmmmmmm! Strike a chord deep……. You truly are a strong somebody. No wonder someone says *the strength of your message is rooted in the depth of your messes”.
    Thanks so much for sharing this!

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  2. I remember being in a meeting one day with a group of women I met with regularly. For some reason this day I chose to talk about some painful issues I had been dealing with. I was surprised by the response from the women. They told me that because of my demeanor they were sure I had never experienced really trying times. Each of these women seemed to begin to draw me in more. I learned that to be willing to share my issues with others at times makes me seem less intimidating.

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    1. That’s awesome Elva! What an experience ! We learn valuable lessons when we learn when to put on Game Face and when it’s appropriate to let down our defenses.😊


  3. Great post 🙂 In tough times, we all have to put on a game face and as hard as it it, If we hang in there we will come out of it stronger than any of us have ever been in the past. Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

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  4. Hmmm…this is interesting. I had to put on my “game face” when my mother died, and the subsequent year, my father gave up his parental rights. I’d say it served me well for a few years, but eventually, I forgot to take it off and that became detrimental to my emotional health. At this point in life, I have no “game face” lol. In fact, I’ve decided just the opposite. However, I do agree that it is necessary some times.

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    1. Yup! This was a moment in time for me and I took it off while preparing my girls for graduation. Had I had it off the entire time, they would have all quit! I still put on Game Face when it’s necessary and always will but I also know where to channel those emotions for optimum spiritual health. I think we all do it even when we don’t think we are. At work everyone does not need to know the challenges we face at home. So we put on Game Face. When you are given a task that you may question your ability to do but you put on Game Face and tackle it anyway. I think we all do it and always will but do need to know when the practice is necessary and when it is not. What you went through with your parents was NOT a time for Game Face but rather sounds like a child not knowing what to do with an overwhelming set of circumstances so you suppress. I know that all too well when I consider my childhood because I did the very same and later found myself emotionally broken! Balance with Christ is what we need. So glad you survived that moment in time and now share your story!😊

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  5. Wonderful post. I’m going through some dark moments and I think I have to learn how to put my game face on. I hate when people keep asking ‘are you okay?’ Lol, So I definitely need to get back my game face. (currently making faces at the mirror, trying to get the right one) 😀 Thanks for sharing Chanel! Keep inspiring! ❤

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    1. Lol! You really have me laughing because I got a visual of you practicing in the mirror!!! I was inspired to write this at such a great time. The season of life I’m in right now seems a bit dry but I have to exercise Game Face as I endure. God has a great plan for me, I know this for sure. My flesh just wants to scream at times though! Thank goodness for his Grace & Mercy!!

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  6. God bless you, Chanel. “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him [Christ] who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:12b-13

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    1. Amen Deanna! So necessary to know how to do this in this Walk with Christ. Not saying I prevail every time but this was one of those moments in life when I did! So life changing. I take this inspiration as a reminder even to myself to be content in every situation. Thanks for stopping by my friend!😊

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