Tag: Win

RBT Talk Show – WOW Prize

Hi there RBT Readers!!

I’m so thrilled to announce the 1st prize as a result of the talk show on Heart Ministry Radio!

For those who have tuned in, I don’t have enough words to express my graditude for your support!

The show announces a Word-of the-Week or a W.O.W. as I like to call them.
I’m looking for the 10th person to e-mail me at RealBoldTruth.press@gmail.com with the W.O.W. for the show aired on Monday, October 31, 2016!

(Hint: It’s still accessible in the show archives!)

Your email should include the show’s name and the W.O.W.!

Prize includes ONE of the following:

1) $25 gift card to Walmart

2) A blog article spot on RealBoldTruth.com

3) A business “Shout Out” on a taping of the talk show and all social media RBT platforms.

You must be an E-Mail subscriber to the Realboldtruth blog or a follower who has interacted with the blog conversation in the past. (Does not include casual “Likes”)

Unfortunately, immediate Family and Heart Ministry Radio Family members are excluded. (Sorry loved ones! That would just be too easy and so unfair!😂)
The winner will be announced on Wednesday December 7, 2016.

Again, thanks for your support and participation in Realboldtruth Ministries!

Putting on Game Face!

Nearly 8 years ago I was working a part time job as a Health Claims Instructor. I had 18 students in my class and they were more of my life than I initially revealed.

I was going through straight hell and they were the ONLY bright spot in my life at that time. They gave me reason to keep going when I truly wanted to simply lay down and die. I was going through a difficult divorce, got terrible news from the doctor about a chronic medical illness, I lost my house, my finances were in complete shambles, nearly every friend I had at the time walked away and my church family did not provide the support I thought should have been automatic. Depression was deep and I had no reason to want to live less my girls!

As expected, during tough times throughout the program, some would show signs of growing weary by the challenge of working by day, going to school by night and all of life’s demands in between. To add insult to the already injured, The curriculum at this vocational career school was also far from stellar! We all began to discover this fact together mid way throughout our studies. They were beyond offended and I for them as well! Never-the-less, I vowed to stay committed until the end and give them all the knowledge I had obtained in the industry over the years for optimum success.

At times they didn’t understand and I couldn’t let them see that I was silently screaming their same sentiments as I found myself counseling them one-on-one. I couldn’t let them know I was dying inside and commissioned myself to stay strong for their benefit. I lost one or two through out that journey, but those that stayed the course I offered a consistent perspective.

Put on your “Game Face!” I would often encourage. Meaning life is indeed difficult and certainly won’t be easy as you attempt to make positive changes. Even when you are given a raw deal that can’t be changed or you can’t get out of, you must exercise “The Game Face” mentality.  

It’s not always appropriate to wear your emotions on your sleeves all the time or show those around you that you are going through. It’s necessary sometimes in life to endure publicly with the best of attitudes even if that means breaking down to release how you really feel privately just for a time. This builds character, strength, and resilience which are essential characteristic traits valuable in both the corporate world and beyond. 

For Christians, “Game Face” also means it’s time to fight! No I don’t like the circumstances and even question my abilities and the outcome, but no devil is going to knock me out this race!! I’m going to be victorious despite of what it looks like! I’ll position myself and act like a winner even before the victory naturally manifests! 

As it relates to my students, I sustained my personal “Game Face” my entire time with them. It wasn’t until their last official day of class that I opened up about why I stressed operating in the principle. My transparency shocked them for they never knew I was sacrificing how I really felt for their success. As we literally cried together and said our goodbyes on graduation day, I knew these women made an everlasting impact on my life that I will never forget. Even as I penn these words tears fill my eyes. As I was helping them, they were indeed sustaining me!

Me and a few of my precious graduates!

Have you ever had to put on “Game Face” as you endured a complicated life matter?

How did you make it through that period?

Did God show you the lesson that had to be learned during that time?

Maybe you are going through something now and need to put on “Game Face”. It may indeed be difficult but there is victory at the end of the challenge if you don’t give up.

Contest Time!


The Real Life / Real Talk is holding its first contest!! 

Sign – Up as an e-mail subscriber for a chance to get your business, book, ministry, charity or even a story you would like to share featured on the site!

Here are the Rules:

Sign up as a new subscriber between now and 4-24-2016.

3 winners will be announced no later than Friday April 29, 2016.

As the blog grows by 50 subscriber increments, your information will be re-shared with The RLRT audience 1 additional time!

You must remain subscribed in order for your information, including the original to remain feature on the site. It will never come down as long as you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to CONFIRM your subscription in your e-mail to make it official!

All winners will be announced 5-1-2016 and their features on the site will go up the following week! (Information shared will be screened for appropriateness before being posted on The RLRT by the site administrator. Content does not have to be Faith -Based but resourceful for others, free from profanity, sexual content, etc.)


That’s easy enough! Network, Support and Sign up now!