Rear View Mirrors


I’m a bit annoyed today! PO’ed, disgusted and down right angry. Not at anyone or anything in particular; just the foolishness and stupidity of the spiritual adversary.

His tricks and lies have so many bound up that they fail to see that life has so much more to offer. Will you join me and stop wasting so much time entertaining his agenda? He’s doing his job consistently. When will we begin to do ours with that same level of tenacity and more? 

I know a mature woman who has endured a great deal of trouble in her youth. For her, these days occurred well over 30 years ago. She’s a believer in the Gospel yet she’s majorly stuck in her past. I don’t talk to her much and frankly I just can’t. Whenever I do she finds a way to bring up her past as if I haven’t heard the story countless times already! She’s wasting her precious later years dwelling on yesterday. She says with her mouth that it’s her testimony but is not using the experience effectively for the good of others. Her actions clearly reflect that she never got over the pain leaving other areas in her life completely unfulfilled. Although I have a level of sympathy for her it does not run deep. She has options but chooses to think the same way, producing the same results while her time is winding down…


Does this story sound familiar? Is this someone you know? Is this you? If so, How long will you remain stuck, affected, paralyzed, play the victim, seeking sympathy, operating in jealousy, living in lack, non-prosperous spiritually, physically and mentally?


If you are a believer in the gospel of Christ Jesus, His sacrifice, His resurrection and His precious blood, I honestly believe it is an insult to all He has done for us if we CHOOSE to remain defeated! The mentality is indeed a CHOICE! It’s a mindset and no one else can be blamed certainly after a time.


He blesses us with a new day, everyday to take steps to walk into our destiny. He won’t affect your free will to remain hopeless but why choose that when he said that He came that we may have life and life more abundantly? (John 10:10)


We will always have trouble in this world. (John 16:33) We can’t get away from it! So will you remain ineffective, unproductive, heavy laden, cast down and defeated all the remaining days of your life? That’s exactly what the enemy wants! Stop allowing him to run amuck in your mind! You have the power, authority and dominion to live in abundance! (I’m not speaking of just material things.) Open your mouth, speak those things, get up and fight back! Don’t leave this earth with a gift you never shared, a ministry/business you never birthed, a testimony you never spoke and a destiny you never experienced because you allowed the enemy to win!

You can’t blame anyone else for your current circumstances especially if the offenses occurred 10,20,30 40 or even 50 years ago! 

So you were rejected 

So you were robbed 

So you were molested 

So you got fired 

So you were denied 

So you filed bankruptcy 

So your loved one left you

So you got a bad report from the doctor

So your child disrespected you

So that person you prayed for died anyway

So your life doesn’t look the way you planned it…..

What are you going to do inspite of?? Grieve for a while but NOT indefinitely!!!How long will you remain unproductively stuck???


We must Live and not die! (Psalm 118:17) While we still have a chance, another heart beat, another breath, can still walk, can still talk, can still think….. Get Up, shift and make today the beginning of the rest of your life. Just in case you forgot, The Bible declares We Win!!


#Destiny #wewin #Jesus

28 thoughts on “Rear View Mirrors”

  1. I think that this is a very good post. We should not wallow in past griefs or abuse. We should use every weapon to fight sorrow and ideally not be overwhelmed. However as a woman who has suffered from depression most of my adult life, hospitalizations, prescription drug abuse sanctioned by my then psychiatrist, saturated with anointing oil from various Christian churches, trying meditation, etc… As you can see my search for a cure has been never-ending. As I get closer to age 60 which is not so far away I’ve had time to reflect on my damaged mind. Some of my problems are most likely genetic. My Mom suffered from schizophrenia and I saw my Mother attempt suicide when I was little. At the time I did not know what she was doing but figured things out later. I’ve come to the conclusion that my brain is hardwired a certain way and I could go up to the altar 1000 times and it would not make any difference. This is my thorn in the flesh and it will no more leave me than Stevie Wonder will wake up seeing one day. DNA and things you see as a child are imprinted into your mind and soul. The sexual abuse and domestic violence I went through for years did not help the situation. Over the last eight years I’ve had increased anxiety and panic attacks. Finally last year I snapped and was in the Kings County psychiatric ward for 2 weeks. As always I got more drugs. Disabling drugs that nearly cost me my job. I’ve taken every anti-depressant on the market. Even therapy did not help me. I pray and read the Bible every day. No changes. Still fighting depression. However since I do not want to repeat my horrible expression of being in a psych ward I wear a mask, lie to myself and others about how I really feel so I can keep my freedom. Actually there are many more like me out there. We say the right things. Act “normal” as to not be a bother to others and to fit in. I’ve learned to mouth all the platitudes and Happy Talk I see in others. Very few people will admit to the real truth. I stand alone.


  2. Of course, I had to comment. This sounds like it is very close to your heart and should be. I just had a conversation with a friend today saying the same thing. We have to apply the Word for it to be effective. We can stay in that place of anger, frustration or we can choose to walk in what God has given us. The need is so critical for change among believers. How can we share a testimony that has not been overcome. We are overcomers! Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. We have the authority and the power to overcome our flesh (natural mind). We have the source of that power working in us and through us. The choice to ignore that power is a personal one. I agree with you wholeheartedly that we need to rise up! Love this post and I can clearly see your heart on this matter.

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    1. Preach!!! Hallelujah!!!! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! Grieve but just for a time! Thanks for chiming in with this extension that is so complimentary!!! He Came that we may have LIFE!!


  3. Whoa! Very direct. Effective indeed. Stop living in the past/Take control of you emotions/Stop playing victim is something many of us need to hear. Thank you for the strong and clear message.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John you just reminded me of the Scripture that says there is “A Time” for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 names them all including a time to mourn and a time to laugh…that time does not include a life time!! Mourn then find a way to heal and move on. Not forgetting but also not remaining stuck! Thanks for triggering that one for me.😀


    1. Hey there Harry! So glad this inspired you! I am sure I will need to read it myself again so will keep it as a reference! The enemy is always trying to hold us victim to our past failures and even successes if we loose them. But Christ covers all of that. We just need to remind one another periodically and not get stuck for TOO long. Stay encouraged my friend and have a blessed day!☺️

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    1. It can be a challenge for sure RSGullett. I think as long as we recognize and shift as soon as we can we still have the victory. His grace is certainly sufficient for it all. Thanks for reading😀

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  4. My heart goes out to you, Chanel! Here’s another fact to add to what you have expressed to well: God the Father feels that EVERYONE is worth the blood of His only begotten Son. We were ALL bought at a very, very high price, and we need to know this liberating truth. Then we need to keep it in sight at all times and never sell ourselves short!
    You are such a blessing; keep persevering and obeying Him as you do! ❤️

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    1. Such a relevant and great add Deanna. Thanks for that. Have you ever wanted to just shake someone loose!! Boy I felt that way today and was angry at the enemy for certain. But all I can do is pray for those I wish to be set free from the demons of their past while assuring I don’t get stuck in my own. I know it’s hard but that’s what the cross is for😊

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    1. Yes I so agree Rick! I have those moments often. I just try to do a self assessment to assure I am not allowing really really old issues to keep me from experiencing God’s best for my life. I want that so desperately for some loved ones as well but they have to want it more than me. Let’s just keep one another encouraged while pressing forward! Thanks for reading😇


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