Tag: believe God

Soulful Sunday – 2/21/2016

The Lord Our God is REAL!

I had someone recently respond to one of my blog post who said they don’t believe in God. The remark didn’t surprise me because Non-Believers are alive and well in our country. It’s their constitutional right as an American and human being to believe however they choose. No judgement here but rather a sincere level of empathy! (Unfortunate how much they are missing out on😕)

Regardless of our beliefs there is no arguing that life is difficult at times. For a unique selection of people, that remark is a gross understatement! While we all will face a major challenge at some point in our lives, there are a core group that will go through unimaginable, insurmountable, breathtaking circumstances and then survive them all! It’s not by their own choices, will or might….

In this level of pain is where I absolutely believe God resides! For there is no other explanation of how a person made it out. Doctors can’t explain, lawyers don’t know how the case was won, philosophers can’t produce a theory, family and friends gave up; BUT GOD! The survival was not by human efforts but something far beyond that surface or deepest level of intellect. It’s Super Natural deliverance by the Great I AM! Any other credit-taking is just plain old arrogance! 

I survived a “Job Like” experience several years ago and I was completely manic throughout it all! Oh how I wish I could say I worshipped the entire time and never sinned against God, but unlike the honorable character Job in the Bible, I failed my tests miserably!!!! the trial lasted 3 years and I despised what I was going through. It was agonizing at every turn. 

I walked away from God because I was angry about my circumstances and came close to believing that he cared or was even real.

Inspite of my rebellion I began experiencing blessings and miracles that I could not explain. I ultimately humbled myself with acts of repentance and returned to his arms. Separating myself from His shelter caused me more harm in the long run. I am truly thankful that just because I left him that He never left me! 

I can not fathom for the life of me why some refuse to know that He simply is!
Even with repeat signs, wonders, testimonies and reference, many hearts remain hard to his existence.

How do you deal or respond to people who say they don’t believe in God?

What approach in ministering to this group of people do you think is effective?

For now I just pray for them that one day their eyes will be opened to see and experience him in all his Glory. Oh come taste and see that the Lord is oh so good!

Happy Sunday😇