Soulful Sunday – T.M.I. Freedom

As the Lord continues to elevate me in the things of Him, my intellect sometimes pauses in this journey and wonders if it is sometimes too much.

I am sure and without question that He has called me to be Bold, Direct and Fearless with my experiences. I must operate in the Real, flow in Boldness, and embrace it all in Truth! This indeed is the call on my life. Its defined for me by exposing matters that many may think falls in the T.M.I. Category – Too Much Information!

Should this be told, should that be reveal? Every ugly detail that once cringed and embarrassed my existence. What will they say and how will I be perceived? 

Yes, as I grow in the Lord, these questions still rise up from time to time. However my spirit has grown more dominant and takes precedence and center stage these days over all else! 

Truth of the matter is, I have experienced complete freedom with transparency in areas that have had me bound for several decades. Giving away the pain by being real in what I have lived through has perpetuated healing that I could never experience any other way. 

The theme for this writing platform comes out of Revelations 12:11. As I obey its instructions, layers of hurt, pain and shame peel away, dry up and fall off. What is left exposed is a more confident, determined and radical woman sold out and convinced that she can do anything with the move of God’s hand.

There’s nothing like being free! In your mind, from your past, from your failures and from your mistakes! God is more than able to turn any set of circumstances around for His benefit, if we let Him.

Anything that we have endured and survived was not meant to remain dormant in the depths of our souls, but to share with someone who needs to know how to make it over.

T.M.I. is necessary at appropriate times to benefit the lost and to show them the goodness, grace, mercy and salvation of our Lord! Without our stories, what other way can we and they be free?

Until Next Time, Happy Sunday!

9 thoughts on “Soulful Sunday – T.M.I. Freedom”

  1. God wants His people Free and He needs Voices to speak it, declare it and tell it like it is…..Only Free People as yourself can be Bold and Fearless to expose the devil and lift up the name of JESUS so others can experience deliverance, freedom and healing. A Blessing and a Gift You Are!!
    Luv Ya !

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  2. Thank you for another Sunday blessing. When you write it is from God so never be concerned about too much or too little information. God bless you for being obedient to Gods plan for your life and blessing so many others.

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  3. A good and thoughtful post on an important topic: TMI. I believe as long as we pray about what we are sharing, God will guide us. At times on my blog, I have openly shared my anxiety and depression and how my walk of faith includes those. Thank you for sharing your wLk of faith!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely Rick! Timing and the Lord’s guidance is the sure formula to sharing very intimate details about our struggles. Anything else is truly TMI!!! Thank you for your bravery as well and sharing your experiences!🤗


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