44 thoughts on “Home”

  1. It is always a refreshing time everytime i comes around. wow! you definitedly dont know how much impact you have on people life, even mine. God bless you for staying true to your self, God and your calling.


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    1. Thanks so much D!! I so appreciate those words and solicit your prayers that God continues to use me and the entire body of Christ for His Will and purpose only! It’s all about Him! To God be the Glory my friend!😇

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  2. last night’s interview was loaded with pearls of wisdom. The authenticity that you shared was indeed that of a Godly leader. Lastly, you always refer to your talents as God given. Because you honor God He will continue to elevate you. Love you girl…..so extremely proud of you as you grow in your God given purpose!

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  3. Praise God for loving us so much as to give us His one and only begotten Son… Such LOVE is far greater than we can apprehend at the moment, but He is graciously raising the Body of Christ up above deceit to KNOW our true identity!
    (On another note, being given prophetic utterances to express is always a tremendous blessing; oh, such joy to be used by God for His redemptive purposes!

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  4. Dear Chanel,

    My dear Sister in Christ Chanel,

    In the name of JESUS, I bless you with ascending in ALL matters of the Spirit; in apprehending ALL that for which Jesus Christ has apprehended you. (As All in all, He is unspeakable; you are one who glorifies Him by preparing His people for works of service, that the Body of Christ is built up and attains unity in the faith and comes to maturity, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.) I bless you in knowing, loving, and believing Truth, and in walking in accordance with the Holy Spirit, who teaches you Himself and leads you in all wisdom, and EMPOWERS you. Know that by Christ’s wounds you HAVE BEEN healed physically, mentally, and spiritually, and that our Father LOVES you as He loves His Son (yes, see John 17:26), for you believe in Him. Amen!

    I praise God for this privilege! Such a blessing to deliver this to you, dear sister! ❤️😊


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    1. Deanna I am speechless that you would take the time to write this all out. I sincerely appreciate you words of inspiration, encouragement and prayers. You truly have blessed my life and I am so glad our paths crossed on this forum. God is doing some amazing things in my life and they are happening so quickly that I don’t have time to absorb it all. I just have to go and that I will. Again thank you for being obedient to the leading of his spirit! May you forever remain blessed.💕

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      1. You know I am shocked! I see you began this blog way back in Jan 2015, have had over 4,000 hits and yet you say that until now nobody has actually told you that they like your blog and its message until now (over a year later) – I guess actions speak louder than words in your case – because it definitely seems to be a popular site! Keep up the excellent work 🙂

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        1. Well truth of the matter is that the sudden (and I do mean sudden) explosion of all those hits you mentioned, majority were received this year (2016) believe it or not. Last year by 12/31 I only had 18 true followers and only 3 of them I knew were really reading. I was really discouraged and made a great deal of changes that apparently worked. I’ll be blogging about it this month actually so your comment is on time. Rose is the first person to comment on the totality of my blog back in January and I was so encouraged! Thanks ladycee 😀

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