Soulful Sunday – This New Creature

The woman I am today hasn’t been around all that long. I’m not use to her but I want to get to know her better because I like her an awful lot!

You see, I’ve known the old me longer than the new. The old is familiar and comfortable. I have over 30 years of history with her and I know what to expect. But she’s dark, oppressed, depressed, lacks a healthy self image and confidence. This new demeanor is bold, aggressive, feels she can do anything she puts her mind too, will tackle matters even if she feels scared and refuses to give up! She’s only been around for a very short time. Where has this chick been all my life!!!

As a believer in Christ Jesus, I wish I could say that the transformation from the old to the new was some instantaneous metamorphosis! Well, it hasn’t been! The truth is, I fight almost daily to walk in 2nd Corinthians 5:17. 

The good news is that every day the old me is being pushed out of the spotlight, while the new me takes center stage, exudes all of her fabulousness and is completely taking over!! I am intimidated by her for I don’t know what she’s truly capable of! I also admire and look up to her. She has to stay for I trust the God who has called her forth.

This may sound like an oxymoron to many who know the new me but I still struggle to feel on the inside what I look like on the outside. It’s a tug of war daily but a fight the new me is destined to win! Those accustomed to the old watch, wonder, whisper and stare. That’s ok, because the new me can handle all of that!

She has plans in spite of her past. She has strength that the old me couldn’t begin to fathom. She’s holding on to her faith in assurance that Job 8:7 will be a sure part of her destiny. Soon and very soon the old me will rest in peace, while the new will continue to operate in humility in remembrance of what she evolved from. It’s all in the Name of Christ Jesus.

Are you in transformation? Can you relate to this inner battle I have shared with you? It’s real but a journey I am so privileged to be on! The world hasn’t begun to see what the new me has to offer. For the first time in my life, I’m excited about the possibilities.

Happy Sunday!

The New Me

14 thoughts on “Soulful Sunday – This New Creature”

  1. I so enjoyed …New Creation. Often we meet people who are coming into our lives at chapter 18 of our 25 chapter life story. They don’t know what struggles we went through to get where we are….but we know. It does a heart good to look back and reflect on how God has worked in our lives. God bless you Chanel He has great plans for you.

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  2. Great post 🙂 I think you will more than succeed in making the new you permanent and in putting a huge distance between the new you and the old you 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

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  3. Amen! What a powerful testimony! I love how you are aware of the old you and also connected that with the number of years before God’s Holy Spirit touched your heart. I have two adult daughters. Your message needs to be heard by everyone but I think especially teen girls. So proud of you!! Thank you for sharing your walk of faith!

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    1. Hi Rick! Funny you mention the youth…I was invited to speak at a conference where young women will be invited. I have some time to think about what I will share with them but a healthy self image will certainly be a part of my address for sure! So glad to be used by God and trade in my personal pain for his purpose. Thanks as always for your comment!😇

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  4. You are simply beautiful -inside and out Chanel. Yes I am on a journey too. I will support you when you feel empowered like you do today and when you have moments of doubt. You have wings – we have wings – let’s get some new perspective,friend xx

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    1. Thank you Daisy! I so appreciate you and your genuine nature. It’s a breath of fresh air! Although we may not have a common connecting faith we seem to have a different kind of kindred spirit that I absolutely adore! You’re my girl no matter what and I so appreciate you!💕

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