From Trash to Treasure

Several months ago I walk away from a job that I absolutely thought I needed. It was extremely scary for me because it was the most money I had ever made and I held the medical benefits for my family. Not only was I scared and naturally worried about provision, I also suffered a tremendous blow to my self-esteem, worth and value in the corporate arena.

I thought I was smart, savvy, confident, personable, results driven and the right person for the job initially. But within 6 months I was told indirectly that I was incompetent, unapproachable and ineffective. At one point I was even labeled Hostile!

As my health began to take a turn for the worse in such a short period of time, I finally threw up my white flag and walked away without a back up plan. I did a lot of crying and reminisced on every account. I blamed myself for it all, hung my head down low and felt like a can of discarded trash! I remained in this clouded harsh self-judgment for weeks.

While left alone, there was nothing else for me to do but pray. Boy did I do a lot of it!!! God responded immediately by answering my requests for provision and then showing me quickly that I wasn’t the problem but rather the work environment. It was an ill match for my professional views and values. God did not choose that job for me but I went against his Will, did my own thing and tried to call it HIS blessing! What an excruciating lesson that was for me!!

Today I am back to work. This position I now hold was selected by my Heavenly Father for certain! I was interviewing with multiple companies and ask God to close any and all doors I am NOT suppose to enter into. There were two jobs I just knew I would get offered, but I didn’t. Although confused and still to this day unsure why I was not selected as a final candidate (I had 3 interviews with both!!) I completely felt secure and trusted God 100% with the process.

I’ve been working for 1.5 months and already highly regarded by my current employer!! I have been able to make effective contributions and my efforts have been acknowledged locally and abroad. I’ve got my mojo back! My professional charm, charisma, drive and beyond gel effortlessly in this place. Those I work for make me feel like a discovered treasure!

Have you ever been in an environment, job, relationship, church or organization where others belittled your value? Are you in one now? As you sister in the Gospel of Christ Jesus allow my soul to encourage yours to seek your Heavenly Father for direction. If how you are regarded speaks the opposite of how precious you are in God’s eyes, then you are NOT experiencing His best for your life.

You may have to loose money

You may get your heart broken

You may be called weak or foolish by man

You certainly have to surrender your own will!

Believe me, I know how difficult the shift may be, but there is great reward on the other side when you surrender and transition from Trash to Treasure. 

Related Article: 

 Hey Boss, I Quit!! | The Real life/Real Talk

29 thoughts on “From Trash to Treasure”

  1. You are a very strong person you went through a lot-continue and do what you been doing I know life is not easy but thank the Lord he will bring you through all of the love you auntie

    On Friday, May 20, 2016, The Real life/Real Talk wrote:

    > Chanel Bailey posted: ” Several months ago I walk away from a job that I > absolutely thought I needed. It was extremely scary for me because it was > the most money I had ever made and I held the medical benefits for my > family. Not only was I scared and naturally worried about p” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so taking every bit of this post…coz I believe it’s for me. I mean, it totally spoke to me.
    And to think that I was just scrolling through my mails days later and kinda stumbled on this particular post?
    Wow…this is timely. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post 🙂 I think it is important for one to follow their dreams not only financially, but spiritually as well. Everyone (including me) who comments on this blog all hope for the best for you 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂


    1. Thank you my friend! Now that I’m back to work I’ve been behind on my reading! The adjusting has been a chalk but in thankful! I hope things are well on your end!


    1. Hey there! You know I understand! My situation was so severe that I became ill. As a result I had to leave immediately. Keep praying on what to do and God will lead and provide for you for sure! Thanks for reading and stay encouraged!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I totally can relate to feeling like a total failure but thank you Jesus you don’t have to accept the LIE of the devil especially when you make a decision that doesn’t make sense to others….who cares…., to obey God is to be free and that’s what I choose!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen to all of that WandaMarie! The only opinion that matters is the one of Our Heavenly Father! He is the one who called, made, and appointed us for such a time as this! Nothing else matters!😆


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